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What’s going on?

This month we are looking at innovation, as well as bringing together much needed guidance to healthy lifestyles, and a healthy mind.

Have a look around the site, and feel free to get in touch with your thoughts on any of the topics we discuss.

Meet Lilly the Squirrel



Lying awake at night because you can’t stop worrying about stuff!

Just one way of overcoming negative thoughts, and perhaps - relieve stress, and stop overthinking.

Sometimes it feels like there are two of you chattering in your head. I use these Journals to over come this.

It’s a way of putting worry into the past and concentrate on the positive.

Worrying about things is similar to a nightmare; it can’t harm you, and when you open your eyes, it’s gone.

If your worries stem from something that you can’t do anything about, there is no point worrying about it anyway.


Hi, I’m Clive Britton.

I would like to explain that I am not a doctor, nutritionist, or psychologist, but I do have over six decades of life experience, and figure I’ve got room for my say.

Having navigated through the ups and downs of life, I have come to understand, first-hand, the complexities and challenges that come with managing stress on a daily basis.

I’m a great believer in positive energy, and karma. What you put in, is what you will get out. Stay happy, and everybody will be happy around you. The man who is never happy, will never see happiness.

I would love to hear your thoughts. You can get in touch below.

This website is about encouraging mindfulness, adopting healthy coping strategies, and fostering a positive mindset that transcends life's challenges. This empathetic approach, coupled with a wealth of actionable advice, makes it the perfect instrument for anyone seeking to navigate the complexities of modern life with grace and resilience.



Slider is a character from the new cheery, pub magazine. He lives in an exaggerated world, that exists in another dimension. A demon, he feeds on the souls of those who welcome him in.



Sherie Daniels, to this months Author Spot.