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Author Page

Author Page


This page is designed for authors to tell a little about themselves and their work. You might be a seasoned writer trying out some new material under an alternative identity, or perhaps you have just finished your first works and you’re not sure about the best ways to get published. Whatever it is, this is the place. If you are published, we can add a link to the bookshelf where it is available, but don't worry if you haven't published yet, because we can help... We have some great tutorials coming up with everything you need to get published.


This is your space to share a bit about yourself and your literary journey.

Whether you're a seasoned writer exploring new genres or a newcomer who has just completed your first manuscript, we want to hear your story.




A big thank you to Angel Anani

A big thank you to Angel Anani, the Tarot author who is turning the world back to tradition medicines and doctrines. In "Alchemy and Nature:," Angel delves into the often ridiculed old methods and proves that they really do work,

Angels collection of spells, and remedies is an exploration of how one can live a healthy life by practicing these old ways.


And a big thank you to ‘The Writer’s Community’ who have been a massive support on my journey. Tap on the banner below.

The Writer’s Community give writers a great service that gives them help with promoting for that time, and they can connect more with the community and grow!


A big welcome to this months Author; Sherrie Daniels.




Every time you meet somebody new, you have a choice… You take a gamble and let them into your life, or close the door. It’s a difficult choice. Be careful. People are not what they seem.