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Behind The Scenes Britain

Where we talk to real people about the real things that effect us in our world today.

The lie


It’s important to understand when you are being lied to because lies are harmful. If you are wise enough to realise that we are all, at times naïve, then you are vulnerable to lies. They say that seeing is believing, and yet we believe so much that we don’t see. The things that we learn from the masters of knowledge before us, for instance. We are likely to believe that Einstein existed because there is much documented proof about realisations that were credited to him, but what about Aristotle? What about Nostradamus? Just because these guys are talked about in our history books, doesn’t make them real. I’m old enough to remember the footage on the television of the landing on the moon in 1969. I was five years old and gullible. Man had only just started making passenger planes, let alone spaceships. It was more believable that America wanted to say that they had been to the moon before Russia.